Membuat Voice Recorder Menggunakan Python

Haiii data enthusiast!! kali ini, saya akan membagi materi tentang membuat voice recorder menggunakan python.. Jadi ketika kita melakukan perekaman di python, maka akan menyimpan otomatis suara kita…


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People interested in themselves only. They are interested in what they want and you are also one of them. You are also interested in what you want. Right? So if you want anything from them, you have to know first “what they want”. After helping them, you can easily ask them for what yourself and they will definitely help you in back to get what you wanted.

Let’s discuss it with an example which is mentioned in this book. There’s was a little boy who was underweight and refused to eat properly. His parents wants him to eat. They tried every method, they even scolded and nagged him. The little boy had a bicycle, he rode it everyday. But everyday a bigger boy bullied him. The little boy used to comes to his mother and cry daily. What the little boy wants here is to defend himself without the help of his mother. Right? But he couldn’t do that because he doesn’t have his meal properly. When his father get to know the whole situation, he told the little boy “you would be overcome this problem with the bully boy only if you eat food". Now their son has no problem with his diet. At the end parents got what they wanted.

Don’t talk about what you want.

If you want someone’s hand try to find what they want in the first place. Because everyone is interested in only what they want not what you want.

Always try to see things from other people’s perspective. This is the main motive of this chapter.

Seeing things from another perspective creates empathy. This helps you grow socially.

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