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Product Management Aspirations

I am a Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) and have been involved in Software Quality and Testing for 14 years. In that time, I have been part of companies both large and small in a variety of industries.

The role of QA is to ensure that what the Developers build provides the business value that the Product Managers want. By working closely with Product Managers, I saw first hand the amount of influence they have in determining which features to build and defining the value that new functionality can bring.

As a Product Manager, I would be able to not only know what would be the right thing to bring to market, but to see the quantifiable results that it provides.

My dream role would be a Product Manager for Google. Currently, I am working on projects that are internal and only have an impact to other employees of my company. I would love the chance to work on products that are end-user facing and will get people excited to use. I am a huge fan of the products and work that Google deliver and understand the impact that each new feature provides.

As an SDET, I am very dependent on well-written software requirements and fully appreciate the clarity they provide. I am learning through these classes that those are only one part of what a Product Manager does.

There is so much more that a Product Manager has influence over:

I hope that I continue to gain insight into the position of Product Manager and can use that to transition to the next stage of my career.

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